Welcome to California Inland Fisheries Foundation, Inc.
California Inland Fisheries Foundation, Inc., (CIFFI), is a volunteer operated, tax deductible 501 C3 non-profit foundation, incorporated in the State of California, dedicated to the enhancement of freshwater angling opportunities. The cooperative efforts between CIFFI and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and many partners, provide necessary funding to sustain multiple species of fish in California’s lakes and reservoirs. Founded in 1992, CIFFI is a success story in cooperative fishery management, beginning with Project Kokanee, and now providing assistance to many other projects.
Fisheries for NOW... and the Future!
PRESS RELEASE - 02/05/25
Volunteers Land Rainbow Trout in CIFFI Berryessa Pens
WINTERS - Despite everything Mother Nature could throw at them, a team of volunteers moved two thousand pounds of Eagle Lake strain rainbow trout into the new CIFFI pens at Lake Berryessa. Working with the DFW, these dedicated volunteers (L-R: Allan Grossman, Bruce Kiser, Tom Nigro, Wyatt Aaberg, Dylan Robbins, Sam Bobb, Dave Hurley, Stan Wong, RJ Sanchez and Nate Kelsch), plus Gregg Motta, Clay Blanco, Craig Hoover, Julia Saveria and Mark, (who did the work but unable to make the lunch) - filled the pens, dealt with nasty weather and enjoyed a well-earned lunch at Putah Creek Cafe in Winters. Markley Cove has stepped up and will provide the manpower to provide daily feeding of the fish for the next few months until the planned May release date. CIFFI extends our heartfelt appreciation to this team who made the Berryessa Pens trout delivery happen. Berryessa anglers will reap the rewards of this effort once the fish are released and start to prowl the waters of Berryessa offering big broom-tail action for anglers to enjoy!