Congratulations!.. You are about to join in helping CIFFI preserve and enhance "Fisheries for Now...and the Future".

There are two ways in which you can join...

  1. Download, print and mail the membership form... or
  2. Join using our On-line membership application below

Joining or renewing your membership using on-line application will enable you to use most major credit cards using PayPal which is extremely safe and secure.  If you don't have a PayPal account, NO PROBLEM, you will see a small link telling you can continue anyway.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Membership Chairman, Wendy Carrington at 209-810-9603.

 Thank you for joining!!!


Membership Application
  1. Now you can join or renew your CIFFI Membership on line. Secure Payment via PayPal with most Major Credit Cards. Don't have a PayPal account? Don't worry, you can still proceed as a guest. Thank you for your support!
  2. ____________________________________________________
  4. ____________________________________________________
  5. First Name:(*)
    Invalid Input
  6. Last Name:(*)
    Invalid Input
  7. Mailing Address:(*)
    Invalid Input
  8. Address 2:
    Invalid Input
  9. City:(*)
    Invalid Input
  10. State:(*)
    Invalid Input
  11. ZipCode:(*)
    Invalid Input
  12. Phone #:(*)
    Invalid Input
  13. E-Mail:(*)
    Invalid Input
  1. BUSINESS INFORMATION (for business memberships only) IF this does not apply to you, click on the next button.
  2. ____________________________________________________
  3. Business Name:
    Invalid Input
  4. Business Address:
    Invalid Input
  5. Business Address 2:
    Invalid Input
  6. Business City:
    Invalid Input
  7. Business State:
    Invalid Input
  8. Business ZipCode:
    Invalid Input
  9. Business Phone:
    Invalid Input
  2. ____________________________________________________
  3. Membership Type(*)

    Invalid Input
  4. Membership Payment(*)

    Invalid Input
  5. TOTAL
    0.00 USD
  6. ____________________________________________________
  7. ____________________________________________________
  8. Submit & Continue to PayPal