Saturday, September 1, 2012 – More than 300 attendees gathered at the Eagle Lake RV Park & Store in the community of Spalding, Susanville, to celebrate the CIFFI/PELT Eagle Lake Fourth Annual Family Fun Fall Fundraising Festival. The weather was terrific and locals, visitors and CIFFI/PELT volunteers came to enjoy the fun.
The winners of the horseshoe tournament were Brent Traynor and Kurt Henry. Casting contests – Adult winners were Mike D’Haem, Doug King and Holly Johnson – Kids 9-12 were Gabriel Verduzco and Hailey Brooks – Kids up to 8 were Alison Bradford and Matty Olson. Spectators enjoyed the fun! The local guides were on hand with their boats to talk fishing and the BBQ tri-tip/chicken with fixings was perfect. Gary and Judy Davis, local residents, were presented with the “Volunteers of the Year 2012” award.
An outstanding raffle, raising money to enhance the fishing experience and safety at Eagle Lake was well received. The free kids raffle provided every child with a prize.
This was the second of the two fundraisers held annually at Eagle Lake – the first one on the July 4th weekend and the second on Labor Day weekend. Monies raised enable PELT, under the direction of the community “Steering Committee” to support the Dept. of Fish & Game efforts to keep this “Heritage Lake” a viable and productive fishery. CIFFI, a 501 C3 non-profit foundation, provides administrative support. Eagle Lake trout are spawned in the spring and PELT supplies food to keep them in the hatchery longer, creating bigger and hardier fish at planting times in the spring and fall. The organization equips volunteers with equipment used in fish-rescue efforts, egg take activities and other fish related needs and also provides and maintains safety buoys for the lake for both DFG and the Sheriff’s Dept. CIFFI supports many youth programs and both events introduce young people to the Eagle Lake experience and the family tradition of attending the annual fundraisers, ensuring CIFFI/PELT efforts will continue into the future.
CIFFI/PELT thanks all those who participated- and if you weren’t there…put July 4th and Labor Day weekends on your calendar for 2013 – your attendance will be appreciated and your efforts go to a very worthy cause. It is important to everyone to continue to support and maintain the fishery at Eagle Lake.